Saturday, March 10, 2012


Here I am on a gorgeous Saturday Afternoon, stuck in bed, with my sweet puppy Oreo and my lap top. ;)  My girls are with their dad this weekend and I had big plans to get caught up on the housework and spend  a little time in my classroom making sure everything is ready to go for Conferences!  Not today, (picture me looking very pitiful) I can only lay in my bed and do nothing but check my sales on TPT, create a new FB page, chat on the TPT forum, check out cool Teacher blogs, try to figure out how to make mine cool! (Now, picture me looking pitiful with a little grin starting to show!)  Yes, I'm pitiful alright, a little pathetic, I should say! 
One good thing about the Blogs, forums and FB, you don't actually have to speak!  With my illness, I have completely lost my voice!  Which, I will absolutely need come Monday when I will have 8 conferences!
Time to go check out the forum!
                                                                This is my sweet baby!  Oreo is in training to
                                                         become a therapy dog!  He visits my classroom often!


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